If I’ve learned one thing in this life it’s that love shouldn’t break us apart and that holding onto memories of those we love doesn’t have to either. Trust me when I say that I have thought long and hard about a way to emulate that feeling of this soul that’s brought life to the dried up space, maybe it’s God working through them or perhaps their destiny to bring safety or laughter to those they meet. Either way, I believe these people in our lives should be honored and ordained in our day to day life in a way that’s beautiful. 

When creating these earrings the color of stones resemble a memory of a loved one, that they are a light in darkness that cannot fade. I hope that these earrings could be a wonderful reminder to see beauty in hard times and or a wonderful gift for this person in your life. My hope is to give space to share a story for this person or yourself; one that’s defined by a message not always clear until reading the authors notes which say we are all wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).

For this dangle there are three color variations: red carnelian, green aventurine and blue sodalite. Each holds meaning to reflect the heart of someone or yourself. 


  • Red Carnelian: This stone is known for its support of self-esteem and the creative motivation it provides. We think of those people in our life that help build you up and encourage your passions in every season. 

  • Green Aventurine: Aventurine promotes intuition and is known for good-luck and helping to eliminate fear to give a positive attitude. We all have someone who we feel lucky to have in our lives; may these earrings be a reflection of the fortune their presence continually provides.


  • Blue Sodalite: This blue sodalite stimulates endurance and can clear your mind to be able to move through life smoothly. Having a strong supportive person in your world is unmatched or to want to find more endurance in yourself; we hope these earrings provide a mirror of strength you lean on from this person and you think of their courage. 




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